SOCIAL presents Day Of The Dead (Meteora x Room 303)  #IndiranagarSOCIAL SOCIAL presents Day Of The Dead (Meteora x Room 303)  #IndiranagarSOCIAL

SOCIAL presents Day Of The Dead (Meteora x Room 303) #IndiranagarSOCIAL

Sat, 28 Oct 2023, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Indiranagar Social, Bangalore
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Event Details
Day Of The Dead (Meteora x Room 303) features Dutch heavyweight Parrish Smith alongside Adi G, Chaz, Seventh Sea & Stinger. Indiranagar Social 7 PM onwards. Brace yourselves for an epic Halloween night out with incredible production, decor, coctails, music & more. About Parrish Smith: No elitism No prejudices No 4/4 No genre hypnotic, tense, compre​hensib​le, a state of mind Whilst cap­ti­vat­ing audi­ences with music that is both intense and hyp­not­ic, Par­rish Smith embarks on a rather successful journey of cre­at­ing spaces where walls are torn down and prej­u­dices are non-existent. Dur­ing this unique ven­ture into the broad spec­trum of elec­tron­i­ca, Smith is able to dis­play his take on var­i­ous lay­ers of elec­tron­ic music with extreme per­cep­tive subtlety. These uniques spaces cre­at­ed by Par­rish Smith are char­ac­ter­ized by his deter­mi­na­tion to design music that escapes the hold and bias­es found in con­tem­po­rary tech­no. His music enables you to think dif­fer­ent­ly whilst let­ting go of any nar­row-mind­ed and lim­it­ed perspectives. Emo­tion and inten­si­ty are the true pre­dom­i­nant fac­tors in Par­rish Smith’s music. These two cat­a­lysts come to fruition in, not only con­tem­po­rary tech­no but even enable Par­rish to maneu­ver him­self amongst dif­fer­ent styles of music. From film scor­ing to sound­tracks, Par­rish Smith rec­og­nizes that his strength comes from com­bin­ing emo­tion and inten­si­ty, thus result­ing in projects that are inspi­ra­tional in their truest form. Elit­ism is for the weak. It is para­mount that you always stay true to yourself and your music. Fol­low­ing these major mantras, Par­rish Smith rep­re­sents a beau­ti­ful and true example of the punk mentality. This is a 21+ show. ID checks are mandatory We follow strict adherence to zero tolerance on drugs & prohibited substances A redeemable cover charge will be applicable at the gates post 9 PM at the venue
Indiranagar Social
37, 80 Feet Road, HAL 3rd Stage, Indiranagar,, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560075
Upcoming Events at Indiranagar Social, Bangalore
Regenerate is an electronic music promotion and artist management agency based in Mumbai, India. Having been established in 2013 , the organisation has been responsible for contributing to the spread and awareness of global underground music primarily in Mumbai and also in neighbouring cities such as Bangalore & New Delhi.
sLick is an events company, artist manager and promoter based out of Mumbai.
Afterworx, an off-shoot of Beatworx Studio was formed with a motive to nurture the burgeoning electronic music scene in India. They curate weekly properties and nights across venues in associations with other local crew brewing a melting pot of great music, ambience and experience.